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Skilled Medical Exhibits at GPCE Melbourne 2016

November 2016

Skilled Medical was one of over 90 exhibitors to participate in The General Practice Conference & Exhibition (GPCE) Melbourne 2016, Australia’s leading event for primary healthcare professionals. The General Practice Conference & Exhibition was held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 11th November to 13th November 2016.

As Australia's leading medical conference and primary care event with a high quality CPD education program, GPCE Melbourne 16 attracted General Practitioners, GP Registrars, Practice Managers, Practice Nurses and Allied Health Professionals from across Australia. This year over 1200 delegates were in attendance and the program included a mix of 3 keynote presentations, 140+ seminars, workshops and hands-on practical sessions, 5 Active Learning Education Modules and a networking delegate/exhibitor drinks mixer event.

Numerous Skilled Medical Consultants represented Skilled Medical at booth number 2118. Skilled Medical also participated in the GPCE Melbourne's passport competition, offering participating delegates who visited Skilled Medical's booth and answered three questions, a chance to win a Veuve Luxe hamper.

"It was wonderful for The Skilled Medical Team to be involved in a leading Australian medical conference with cutting edge services, products and technologies," said Kirsty MacIsaac, Skilled Medical Team Leader and Senior Recruitment Consultant. “At this year's conference, The Skilled Medical Team connected with existing Skilled Medical doctors and also had the opportunity to meet new doctors interested in working with Skilled Medical as well."

GPCE Melbourne conference information

 Skilled Medical's Melissa Houston at GPCE Melbourne 2016


Skilled Medical is an international medical recruitment, placement and services firm that delivers qualified medical professionals wherever they are needed in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

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