- Situated on the Mersey River in northern Tasmania, this town is 8 km south east of Davenport and has approximately 12,420 residents
- This hospital is a 100 bed facility and offers medical services including emergency, oncology, respiratory, palliative care, day surgery and outpatients
- Doctor must have drivers licence
A Northern TAS hospital requires a Senior Registrar/CMO in Emergency Medicine from 16/09/2024 to 28/09/2024.
Monday 16th September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Tuesday 17th September 1100 - 2030 + Remote on call $2200
Tuesday 17th September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Wednesday 18th September 1100 - 2030 + Remote on call $2200
Wednesday 18th September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Thursday 19th September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Friday 20th September 0730 - 1730 $2200
Friday 20th September 1430 - 2400 $2200
Friday 20th September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Saturday 21st September 0730 - 1730 $2200
Saturday 21st September 1430 - 2400 $2200
Saturday 21st September 2300 - 0830 $2400
Sunday 22nd September 0730 - 1730 $2200
Sunday 22nd September 1100 - 2030 $2200 + Remote on call $2200
Monday 23rd September 1100 - 2030 $2200 + Remote on call $2200
Wednesday 25th September 0730 - 1730 $2200
Thursday 26th September 1430 - 2400 $2200
Friday 27th September 1430 - 2400 $2200
Saturday 28th September 1430 - 2400 $2200
The duties of remote on call:
This means, if the Dr rostered to the night shift calls in sick or requires unplanned leave, the evening shift must work the night shift. If the evening shift has already commenced work, they will be sent home to rest before returning for the night shift. As much notice as possible will be given to the Dr working the evening. If the Dr is called into the night shift their rate will be increased to the standard night rate of $2,400 per day. The Dr needs to be aware of this prior to nominating for shifts
For further information about this job, please contact Skilled Medical on 1300 900 100.
About Skilled Medical
Skilled Medical is a leading international medical recruitment firm that delivers qualified medical professionals wherever they are needed in Australia,
New Zealand and the United Kingdom. We are a quality accredited firm with years of industry experience supporting communities and assisting medical
professionals in their work and careers. To learn more about Skilled Medical please visit us at www.skilledmedical.com
To Apply
To apply for this job, please complete the Skilled Medical Registration form below or the contact form if you have already registered with us.
Candidates must be registered with AHPRA and have the Right to Work in Australia. You can also contact a Skilled Medical Recruitment Consultant to
discuss this role on 1300 900 100