- Located in the East Gippsland region 280 km east of Melbourne, this town has approximately 18,225 residents. This hospital has 52 acute beds and 19 sub acute beds.
- Will reimburse up-to $154 per night for accommodation. Travel km Reimbursement $0.88 per km from Melbourne or equivalent.
- Our locums should have GESA accreditation for colonoscopy and recognition of Training in gastroscopy, be able to do testis exploration for torsion testis and be able to do a supra pubic catheter placement. Laparoscopic hernia repairs and doing local flaps and skin grafts are not essential but ideal.
An Eastern VIC hospital requires a Registrar/PHO in Surgery from 18/02/2025 to 06/03/2025.
18/02/2025 0730 In Monash room On call
19/02/2025 0730 in Monash room Not on call
20/02/2025 0730 In Monash room On call. Handover 21/02/2025 Shared list/consult
04/03/2025 0730 In Monash room Not on call
05/03/2025 0730 In Monash room Not on call. Minor procedures.
06/03/2025 0730 In Monash room On call. Handover 07/03/2025
For further information about this job, please contact Skilled Medical on 1300 900 100.
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Skilled Medical is a leading international medical recruitment firm that delivers qualified medical professionals wherever they are needed in Australia,
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professionals in their work and careers. To learn more about Skilled Medical please visit us at www.skilledmedical.com
To Apply
To apply for this job, please complete the Skilled Medical Registration form below or the contact form if you have already registered with us.
Candidates must be registered with AHPRA and have the Right to Work in Australia. You can also contact a Skilled Medical Recruitment Consultant to
discuss this role on 1300 900 100