- This MPHS hosts medical, surgical, x-ray, indigenous health, emergency, outpatients and pharmacy services plus a renal unit located in the hospital grounds.
- Situated on the Warrego River, this picturesque town has a population of around 1,500 people. The main industries are beef, sheep, wool, apiary, grapes, opal mining and tourism.
- Onsite accommodation in a single, non sharing, self contained unit and a car to use after hours upon request at the facility plus flights provided
An Southern QLD hospital requires a Senior Medical Officer in General Practice ED from 05/02/2025 ongoing:
05/02/2025 09/02/2025
09/03/2025 19/03/2025
30/03/25 09/04/2025
04/05/2025 18/05/2025
11/05/2025 14/05/25
28/05/25 13/08/25
27/08/25 24/09/25
28/09/2025 19/11/2025
03/12/2025 ongoing
• Duties include working in the Primary Health Care Clinic Monday – Friday 9 – 5pm, closed for lunch (1hr daily).
• The primary health care clinic has a full compliment of nursing, allied health and admin staff to offer assistance.
• The doctor will also see inpatients and long stay patients in the newly furbished MPHS and share on call after hours and weekends.
For further information about this job, please contact Christina Clarke on 1300 900 100.
About Skilled Medical
Skilled Medical is a leading international medical recruitment firm that delivers qualified medical professionals wherever they are needed in Australia,
New Zealand and the United Kingdom. We are a quality accredited firm with years of industry experience supporting communities and assisting medical
professionals in their work and careers. To learn more about Skilled Medical please visit us at www.skilledmedical.com
To Apply
To apply for this job, please complete the Skilled Medical Registration form below or the contact form if you have already registered with us.
Candidates must be registered with AHPRA and have the Right to Work in Australia. You can also contact a Skilled Medical Recruitment Consultant to
discuss this role on 1300 900 100