- Located on the Tamar River in the north of Tasmania, this city has approximately 71,788 residents
- This general hospital is a 308 bed facility providing emergency and acute care, specialist services, inpatient and ambulatory care to the city and surrounding district
- Travel and accommodation provided
A Northern TAS hospital requires a Registrar/PHO in Internal Medicine from 05/05/2025 to 03/08/2025.
Term 2 – 05/05/2025 – 03/08/2025
$150.00 Per Hour for shifts worked predominantly in the day.
$160.00 Per Hour for shifts worked predominantly at night (20:00 – 08:30)
$140.00 On call – please note this is a flat $140.00 daily rate for being on call for sick leave on a weekend night shift or public holiday only (ie not to give phone advice etc). If called in, they will receive the applicable rate listed above.
30 min break to be taken during all shifts worked and recorded on time sheet.
Availability for the full term will be given preference.
Doctors should be able to work at Registrar Level and will be rostered to a wide range of shifts including days, after hours including nights, general medicine and sub specialties.
Doctors with a background in basic physician training will be given preference.
For further information about this job, please contact Courtland Watson on 1300 900 100.
About Skilled Medical
Skilled Medical is a leading international medical recruitment firm that delivers qualified medical professionals wherever they are needed in Australia,
New Zealand and the United Kingdom. We are a quality accredited firm with years of industry experience supporting communities and assisting medical
professionals in their work and careers. To learn more about Skilled Medical please visit us at www.skilledmedical.com
To Apply
To apply for this job, please complete the Skilled Medical Registration form below or the contact form if you have already registered with us.
Candidates must be registered with AHPRA and have the Right to Work in Australia. You can also contact a Skilled Medical Recruitment Consultant to
discuss this role on 1300 900 100